The maritime industry sets sail for cleaner shipping with ambitious new project

New partnership will measure the effects of emission-reducing initiatives in real-time on Uni-Tankers ships. Concrete data and actions will provide the maritime sector with deep insights into the necessary steps towards a climate-neutral industry.

The maritime industry stands at a crossroads. The vision of climate-neutral shipping by 2050 is within reach. With approximately 90% of the world’s goods expected to be transported by sea, there is immense potential to create a greener future by transforming the maritime sector.

This is why MUDP has allocated over 18 million DKK to a new project, CLEANSHIP. The project brings together leading players in the maritime sector to demonstrate and document the potential of innovative technologies that can reduce harmful emissions from maritime transport.

The CLEANSHIP project distinguishes itself by measuring the impact of initiatives during real sailing. We aim to investigate the effects of energy-saving devices, modern biofuels, and other operational handles on harmful emissions, including Black Carbon. By monitoring emissions and fuel consumption in real-time, we will be able to provide valuable insights to the maritime industry and support future investments in cleaner technology. says Julie Tølbøl Rasmussen, project manager in CLEANSHIP from the Danish Technological Institute.

Real-time measurements on the open sea

The project will take an innovative approach by using advanced measurement technologies and data collection directly on Uni-Tankers ships during their actual voyages. This allows for measuring the effects of emission-reducing initiatives in real-time.

We are proud to be part of the CLEANSHIP project as it provides us with insights into the real reduction potentials of using biofuels and energy-saving technologies. The collaboration across the industry in this project will help us achieve significant insights in this area, says Kristian Larsen, Technical Director at Uni-Tankers.

Participation in the project Uni-Tankers has a directly strategic value for Uni-Tankers.

Reducing emissions is a strategic priority for us, and the project supports our decarbonization roadmap and goals as well as our ESG strategy, adds Kristian Larsen.

Strong partnership for greener shipping

Uni-Tankers and the Danish Technological Institute have teamed up with Green Instruments, which possesses state-of-the-art knowledge and experience with measurement equipment and emissions measurements in various environments.

The CLEANSHIP project advances and showcases our pioneering black carbon emission measurement capabilities.This initiative is a significant step towards helping the maritime sector achieve emissions reductions. Through this collaboration, we can apply our expertise in real-world environments, demonstrating the impact of our emission monitoring equipment, says Peter Bank Mariager, CTO at Green Instruments.

The project’s ambitious partnership also includes the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS), Danish Shipping, and Danish Maritime. The collaboration across the value chain forms a strong unit where extensive knowledge and expertise are united with valuable market shares.

MMMCZCS will leverage their strong relationships with strategic partners to promote the decarbonization of the maritime sector by 2050, while Danish Maritime and Danish Shipping represent equipment suppliers and shipowners internationally, including within the IMO.

The partners in CLEANSHIP will work closely together until December 2026 to take steps towards a greener and more CO2-efficient maritime industry.

At Uni-Tankers, we are proud to support initiatives that not only embrace the spirit of adventure but also advocate for diversity and environmental stewardship. Drømme i Sigte, founded by two courageous young women, embodies these values as they embark on a remarkable journey to sail around the world. With little experience but boundless determination, they have navigated thousands of nautical miles, exploring the wonders of the ocean and highlighting the importance of protecting our marine ecosystems. Through their inspiring story, we hope to encourage more people to embrace the maritime life, appreciate the beauty of our planet, and join us in our commitment to promoting diversity at sea.

Read their inspiring story and come join their adventure onboard the Lulu Tao in this video.


The Beginning of a Dream

We were just two 23-year-old girls when we decided to sail around the world. We only had a little experience in sailing and barely any money in our bank accounts. But we had our minds full of dreams and bodies full of determination, eagerness, and curiosity. Two years and a hell of a lot of obstacles later, we are now nine months into our circumnavigation.

Our goal is to sail around the world indefinitely, exploring the world’s best dive sites and advocating for the magical life beneath the surface of the ocean. We dream of an everyday life ruled by time and simplicity, collecting memories that will be cherished in our final days.

Overcoming Challenges and Gaining Knowledge

We are writing this from a southern Caribbean Island called Curacao. By now, we have visited more countries and islands than we can count with both hands. We have crossed an entire ocean. We have been challenged more than we ever dreamed of, but with challenges comes new knowledge. This is the most important thing we have learned so far: how we have to step out of our comfort zones to evolve as humans.

Our biggest desire with our project is to inspire more people to get off their couches and experience our amazing planet, hoping to inspire even more people to take care of it. Especially life below the surface has a special place in our hearts. We believe that if we want people to care for the precious underwater life, which is a huge part of our entire ecosystem, we must first inspire more people to love it.

Advocating for Environmental Stewardship

It is important for us to not only show how beautiful our world is but also document how much our planet needs help. The coral reefs and marine life are not what they used to be, and despite a lot of focus, there is still much that we as humans can do in our everyday lives to make a difference. We want to show how easily we can take care of our planet by simply thinking about the clothes we buy or the sunscreen we use. We will visit some of the most remote places in the world, participate in ocean clean-ups, and tell stories about marine life.

Breaking Barriers and Building Community

One of our biggest messages and driving forces behind sharing our entire project on social media is to show that if we can do this, anyone can. You don’t have to grow up in a sailing family to sail the world at a young age. You don’t necessarily have to spend 10 years preparing to do what we do. We simply brought people out sailing with us who could contribute and share their knowledge and experience with us. That is how, just over a year after deciding to sail around the world, we found ourselves with a 50-foot sailboat that we had sailed more than 3,000 nautical miles from Italy to Denmark in.

Since then, we’ve refitted the whole boat and logged more than 9,000 nautical miles since leaving Denmark in July 2023, carried by the natural forces of our planet—the wind. We dream of showing everything sailing has to offer. Adventure, experiences, and destinations that can only be visited by boat are just a few of the things. We hope to inspire more young people to fall in love with life at sea. It’s a sanctuary like nowhere else, offering many memorable and adventurous experiences, strong friendships, and unique communities.

Finding Presence and Reflection at Sea

There is a type of presence onboard a boat that we have never experienced anywhere else in our lives. We live in a world where we are constantly exposed to short-term outer entertainment, especially from social media. You are constantly updated on what happens not just around you, but around the whole world. When we are on our boat, far offshore and far away from internet and civilization, our lives are boiled down to the simple necessities. Eating, sleeping, interacting with the people around us, and keeping our home safe and afloat. Some would call it a break from everyday life, but for us, it is about creating a space where there is time to reflect.

Our life at sea has taught us the importance of staying present in what we’re experiencing right now rather than constantly focusing on what is to come next. It has been and still is a true challenge for us. But one of the cheesiest quotes happens to be very true: “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”

-Leonora & Sissel

Uni-Tankers expands year-round health cover for all seafarers

We have expanded our crew members’ health insurance coverage as part of our continuous work to optimize health and safety

At Uni-Tankers, we describe our business as ‘A Matter of Chemistry’. This doesn’t just refer to the liquid cargoes we transport around the world, but also the importance of our people and our collaborative culture in powering Uni-Tankers forward.

What we do is incredibly important, potentially dangerous, and understandably highly regulated. We fully respect and comply with relevant conventions and regulations, but our commitment to health and safety is about more than just compliance. It’s essential for ongoing growth and a key element in our ESG work.

To protect the unique blend created by our colleagues, we must provide a safety net to support their physical and mental wellbeing. This is why we have incorporated a new health care plan into our overall approach, so that all our seafarers are covered both when at sea and at home.

While some of our crew members hail from countries where health insurance is a basic right, this isn’t the case for all. The new solution, which is called Medical Plan and is provided by shipping insurance specialists Marine Benefits, fills in these gaps.


In 2024, this coverage will be further expanded to include access to E-Psychologist — an all-in-one online mental health solution for seafarers.

E-Psychologist will be an important addition and underlines our approach to health and safety. It provides our seafarers with access to online video consultations with licensed psychologists in their native language.

“When your business is about transporting various vital liquids — from chemicals to oils — through finely balanced marine environments and in vessels weighing thousands of tons, then you must do it properly. This is why we have safety as a core focus. The introduction of Medical Plan is a great example of this. Our business would grind to a halt without the seafarers on our vessels. So, looking after them — and helping them to look after themselves — is more than just the right thing to do. It’s a business necessity,” says Martin Andersen, Crew Manager, Uni-Tankers.

Martin Andersen

Martin Andersen

Crew Manager, Uni-Tankers

As part of our efforts to continuously fuel good safety practices on our vessels, Uni- Tankers is currently running a campaign called Safety Chemistry that is designed by maritime consultants Green Jakobsen to increase a common understanding of safe behavior at sea through dialogue and insight-sharing sessions. The campaign will continue for the majority of 2024.

Want to know more about our health and safety approach across our operations? Please read our 2022/23 ESG Report.

Supporting our seafarers in tackling corruption

As part of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network, Uni-Tankers stands shoulder to shoulder with over 50% of the global fleet

At Uni-Tankers, a safe and supportive working environment is a fundamental principle — both on land and at sea. That is why Uni-Tankers is a member of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) – to help protect our seafarers. MACN’s overall approach is to help prepare seafarers, so they can better handle corrupt behavior on the frontline, while also lobbying at a more strategic level to convince government officials and similar high-level authorities to stamp out corruption from the top down. The organization has over 190 members, which meet twice a year to discuss strategies to tackle maritime corruption globally, as well as share and co-develop best practices.

“There would be nothing easier than just to say ‘ah, we cannot change things’ and accept the status quo. But we have made an active choice to become a member of MACN — an organization that has quickly grown since 2011 to now represent over 50% of the global fleet,” explains Peter Søbygge, General Manager, Operations, Uni- Tankers.

“We believe that it will be easier to actively change things as part of a large international organization like MACN fighting corruption through collective action. The stress, distraction, and threats imposed on seafarers need to be eliminated, and we are confident that we are moving in the right direction with the assistance and guidance from MACN.

Peter Søbygge

Peter Søbygge

General Manager, Operations, Uni-Tankers

Strengthening policies to protect seafarers

Unfortunately, in many ports worldwide, problems like facilitation payments, bribery, and corruptions remain all too common. MACN has local help desks in Nigeria, Egypt, Ukraine, and Argentina to provide seafarers with on-the-ground support in key regions if they face corrupt behavior from port authorities or other officials.

Additionally, Uni-Tankers has updated its policies and procedures regarding anticorruption, sanctions, and competition law based on learnings from MACN, as well as an internal risk analysis conducted last year.

Suez success a sign of MACN’s impact

At Uni-Tankers, we have respect for the challenge that lies ahead of us and our fellow MACN members before the shipping industry can be rid of corrupt practices. But we are also encouraged by the advances MACN has already achieved in its 12- year history. For example, we have seen a marked change around the Suez Canal in recent years thanks to increasing anti-corruption commitment from the top.

In March 2022, the Suez Canal Authority publicly announced that all shipping companies traveling along the canal should refuse any demands for facilitation payments, and that any corrupt behavior should be reported directly to them. They also adopted digital payment technology to limit opportunities for bribery. These changes followed the release of a MACN report documenting 10 years of corrupt demands in maritime trade, which saw the Suez Canal end with the worst record of any global shipping location.

Want to learn more? Please read our 2022/23 ESG Report.

The time for biofuels is now

Uni-Tankers has the access and knowledge to take advantage of the measurable decarbonization benefits of biofuels

Following a successful biofuel trial in 2023, Uni-Tankers can now offer customers the option of powering their cargo’s voyage with biofuels that emit less greenhouse gases (GHG) on a life-cycle basis compared to traditional fossil fuels.

The test on M/T Alsia Swan showed that using a 30% biofuel blend (B30) resulted in up to 30% less CO2 emissions compared to a standard fossil fuel-based LSMGO (Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil).

Known in the industry as a ‘drop-in’ fuel, biofuels can be mixed with similar versions of fossil fuels for use in existing engines. This means they are an ideal transitional fuel for short-term gains and, combined with energy efficiency measures, they will be vital for keeping vessels compliant with International Maritime Organization (IMO) and European Union (EU) decarbonization regulations.

“As environmental legislation and regulations become increasingly tight, we expect the demand for alternative fuels will increase. Thanks to our sister company Bunker Holding, our customers can choose biofuel blends to power their voyages with UniTankers,”

Kristian Larsen

Technical Director, Uni-Tankers

Testing leads to understanding

In 2023, Uni-Tankers and KPI OceanConnect — a subsidiary of Bunker Holding — successfully completed a two-day trial of the latter’s B30 biofuel blend, providing a thorough picture of this particular fuel’s performance throughout a voyage. A thirdparty team from FORCE Technology compared the results of the B30 blend with a standard LSMGO under the same engine loads (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% power). In addition to reduced CO2 emissions of 30%, their results also showed a 42% reduction in particulate matter and an 18% reduction in carbon monoxide emissions.
Due to the central role biofuels will play in our decarbonization journey, we will continue testing to better understand alternative fuels and their impact (e.g. how they should be handled, how they affect engines, how much they reduce lifecycle GHG emissions).

EU legislation will boost alternative fuel transition

Due to the immediate useability of biofuels, they will play a vital short-term role in decarbonizing Uni-Tankers’ fleet. And soon,they won’t be an optional extra.

With the European Union’s FuelEU Maritime regulation set to come into effect from January 1, 2025, all vessels over 5,000 GT (gross tonnage) that call into European ports will be required to reduce the GHG intensity of the maritime fuels they have on board by 2%, which will rise to 6% by 2030 and intensify further towards 80% in 2050.

With global biofuel production not expected to match growing demand from various industries over the coming decades, Uni Tankers will continue to investigate and adopt other alternative fuel options to achieve its decarbonization targets.


Want to know more? Please read our 2022/23 ESG Report

The opening of Uni-Tankers' Spain office elevates our global maritime influence and strengthens client connections.

At Uni-Tankers we are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our new office in Spain in March this year, a significant milestone that underlines our confidence in the tanker market and emphasizes our unwavering commitment to fortifying relationships with our esteemed customers and partners, particularly in the Spanish/West Med region.

The strategic decision to establish a presence in Spain stems from our recognition of the region as a vital hub for maritime trade and innovation. This new office not only allows us to tap into emerging opportunities but also positions us to better serve our existing clients in the area.

Per Ekmann, CEO of Uni-Tankers, expressed his enthusiasm about this strategic move, stating:

“This expansion reflects our dedication to the continued growth of Uni-Tankers and our aspiration to play a pivotal role in the evolving dynamics of the tanker industry. The Spanish/West Med region holds immense potential, and we are eager to contribute to its development.”

Mads Jessen to lead seasoned team in Marbella venture.
Heading our new office in Spain is Mads Jessen, a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in the tanker business. Mads brings a deep understanding of the industry, and under his leadership, we are confident in our ability to provide unparalleled service to our clients.

Mads Jessen comments:

After more than 40 years in the tanker industry, both as a broker and as an owner’s representative, I am pleased to have this opportunity to set up a Spanish commercial base for Uni-Tankers here in Marbella. I am equally pleased to bring with me Oscar Fabra and José Miguel Samaniego, to handle chartering and operations from the new office, and we are confident that this will be a successful venture.
We look forward to working with our new colleagues in Denmark, Turkey, France and the USA.


For any business cooperation or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team:
Managing Director, Mads Jessen: +34 690 997 004  // 
Chartering, Oscar Fabra: +34 629 719 749 //
Operations, José Miguel: +34 689 980 321 //

Uni-Tankers Spain
Calle Gladiolo 25, Urb. Paraiso-Barronal,
29688 Estepona, Malaga

We look forward to a fruitful journey in Spain, building lasting partnerships and contributing to the success of the maritime industry in the region.

Your experts in liquid cargo
Uni-Tankers is a leading tanker shipping company in the small and intermediate segments. The fleet is one of the youngest in the company’s core markets and consists of approximately 40 owned and chartered modern and flexible product and chemical tankers.

Uni-Tankers has offices in Denmark, Turkey, France, and the USA and was founded in 1995 as a subsidiary of the Danish, family-owned United Shipping & Trading Company which operates a portfolio within oil & energy, shipping, door-to-door logistics, risk management, car activities, IT, sustainable energy, environment & recycling – and is represented in 40 countries with more than 4,300 employees.

Energy saving tech vital to 2030 decarbonization goals

Uni-Tankers’ ongoing roll-out of fuel efficiency technologies across our owned fleet has reduced our fuel consumption per vessel

Uni-Tankers’ commitment to decarbonization is having a clear and measurable impact, with fuel-saving technologies contributing to a more efficient fleet. In 2022/23, Uni-Tankers’ emissions from fuel consumption increased by 6%, but this is mainly due to a 9% increase in the number of vessels in operation compared to 2021/22. With fuel-saving technologies now installed on 11 of 16 owned vessels (up from 7 in 2021-22), we achieved fuel savings of 8-15% per vessel for those that have the technology installed. (See page 3 of Uni-Tankers’ 2022/23 ESG Report)

Initiatives duing the previous period

As of the conclusion of the 2022/23 fiscal year, Uni-Tankers has made significant strides in enhancing the sustainability of its fleet. Notably, fuel-saving technologies have been successfully implemented on 11 out of 16 owned vessels, a notable increase from the 7 vessels in the preceding fiscal year (2021/22). This proactive effort has resulted in substantial fuel savings ranging from 8% to 15%.

In a bid to explore innovative approaches, a noteworthy initiative in 2023 involved the application of a high-performance nano-modified epoxy coating to the M/T Fenno Swan. Although this application is still undergoing testing, preliminary results are promising, indicating potential fuel savings through friction reduction.

Furthermore, Uni-Tankers, in collaboration with the Bunker Holding Group, conducted B30 biofuel testing on its vessels during 2023. This initiative aligns with a broader commitment to environmental responsibility. Concurrently, plans have been set in motion for the Group’s headquarters in Denmark to transition from on-site gas heating to district heating by 2025, contributing to a reduction in emissions from onshore activities.

The results from the B30 biofuel testing revealed a substantial reduction of particle emissions by up to 42% compared to traditional LSMGO fuel. While no significant changes in NOx emissions were observed, there was a noteworthy 18% decrease in carbon monoxide emissions. These initiatives collectively underscore Uni-Tankers’ dedication to advancing sustainable practices within the maritime industry as we acknowledge that decarbonization is a key element in our formula for a better future.

Overall, this positively contributed to Uni-Tankers reducing its Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) rating, which is the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) method for measuring the efficiency of vessels. The EEOI measures how efficiently vessels carry cargo in CO2 emitted per quantity carried and distance sailed. From 2021/22 to 2022/23, as an average across Uni-Tankers’ operated fleet (both owned and ‘time charter’ – or leased – vessels), EEOI improved by 5%, decreasing from 40.7 to 38.6.

The increased roll-out of fuel-saving technologies is a good example of Uni-Tankers’ approach to ESG. To identify the best solutions, Uni-Tankers tests different technologies and initiatives. When a solution is identified that has a significant impact – such as the previously mentioned fuel-saving technologies – they are systematically adopted across all suitable vessels in our owned fleet. For the five remaining owned vessels where fuel-saving technologies haven’t been installed, it has been concluded such technology would not have a meaningful impact due to the vessels’ restricted operating profiles.

“Decarbonization is the most urgent matter in the shipping industry and at the top of our strategic agenda. Our constant focus on new technologies will play an important part in our efforts to meet industry targets,”

Lisa Clement Jensen

Head of Strategy, Uni-Tankers

Decarbonization is a key element in our formula for a better future

Decarbonization is a top priority in the shipping industry, with the IMO having revised its greenhouse gas (GHG) strategy in July 2o23 to target net-zero GHG emissions by or around 2050.

At Uni-Tankers, we fully acknowledge our responsibility to contribute to this global transition. Our fleet’s overall fuel consumption (on both owned and time-chartered vessels) accounts for 96% of Uni-Tankers’ GHG emissions (approx. 362,000 MT CO2E). That is why our immediate decarbonization efforts are focused on our fleet.


Want to know more? Please read our 2022/23 ESG Report and follow our journey navigating the seas of environmental responsibility.

Middelfart, Denmark – 18 December 2023

Uni-Tankers, as commercial managers of the chemical/oil products tankers M/T Swan Atlantic, report that earlier this morning the vessel was hit on its port side by an unidentified object whilst transiting the southern part of the Red Sea on passage to Reunion Island. As a result of the impact the M/T Swan Atlantic suffered from a small fire which has been brought under control by the crew. All seafarers onboard the vessel are reported to be safe.

Managers are in close contact with the relevant authorities and military assistance is now in the area providing all necessary support. M/T Swan Atlantic which is carrying a cargo of vegetable oils has meanwhile proceeded its voyage south.

Uni-Tankers remain in close contact with the vessel’s owner and technical managers offering them all possible support with the safety of all seafarers onboard at all times remaining the highest priority.

Press contact:
Cor Radings
MTI Network
M +31 626 316 854

Decarbonization is at the top our strategic agenda and we aim to contribute to a climate-resilient development of the shipping industry

Middelfart, Denmark – 19 September 2023:

KPI OceanConnect supplies bespoke B30 biofuel blend to Uni-Tankers M/T Alsia Swan for successful trials on board the 5,700 DWT chemical tanker

Uni-Tankers, a leading tanker shipping company, and KPI OceanConnect, a leading global marine energy solutions provider, today announced they have completed the successful supply and trial of a bespoke blend of B30 biofuel on Uni-Tankers’ M/T Alsia Swan. The trials are an important step for understanding the emissions performance of biofuel and validating its potential to help cut carbon emissions.

The trial took place in Amsterdam on board Uni-Tankers’ 5,700 DWT chemical tanker M/T Alsia Swan. KPI OceanConnect arranged for the supply of 34,000 litres of bio grade fuel containing a 30% blend of FAME (fatty acid methyl esters). The fuel supply was part of a two-day trial, which saw emissions for the biofuel measured and compared with emissions for LSMGO under the same conditions.

KPI OceanConnect’s local team of traders worked with their Uni-Tankers partners to identify a biofuel to meet their bespoke needs. The team oversaw the blending process to ensure the fuel met precise specifications and was on hand for the delivery to ensure the specially blended product supplied for the M/T Alsia Swan trials was good quality.

Throughout the trial, tests were carried out at four different loads to assess the reliability and performance of the bio-fuel blend. Alongside trials of the B30 biofuel, Uni-Tankers ran identical operations for an LSMGO fuel of equal quality, allowing accurate comparisons of the B30 biofuel performance. Sampling and analysis for the trial was performed by a team from FORCE Technology

In results from the trial, Uni-Tankers saw particulate matter (PM) emissions reduced by as much as 42% when fuel supply was switched from LSMGO fuel to B30. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions were also reduced by 18%. By using a blend of 30% biofuel and 70% fossil MGO, M/T Alsia Swan can cut emissions of CO2 by an equivalent amount. In a future of tightening regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, this will be an important interim step ship owners can take to maintain compliance and support decarbonization.

Lisa Clement Jensen, Head of Strategy at Uni-Tankers, commented: “The need to cut emissions is one of the most urgent matters in the shipping industry and we are very pleased to be working with KPI OceanConnect for the biofuel trials on the M/T Alsia Swan. Decarbonization is at the top our strategic agenda and we aim to contribute to a climate-resilient development of the shipping industry. These trials enable us to assess the potential and viability of biofuels as part of our ongoing decarbonization efforts.“

Jesper Sørensen, Global Head of New Fuels and Carbon Markets, KPI OceanConnect, commented on the project: “We are very pleased to be partnering with the Uni-Tankers team on this project to deliver high-grade biofuel for their vessel in Amsterdam. By sharing our knowledge and providing expert guidance on fuel strategies, including finding the right biofuel blend ratio to meet the specific needs of vessel operators, we aim to build partnerships with our clients that support their long-term success through the energy transition in shipping. For KPI OceanConnect our close partnership with Uni-Tankers is a model for delivering excellence to our clients.”

We are happy to announce a major expansion of our fleet, adding four new T/C vessels and the purchase of M/T Sedat Basak.

The expansion includes the acquisition of the modern ECO vessel M/T Sedat Basak, which will be added to Uni-Tankers’ owned fleet.

Additionally, we have signed a long-term deal for two new-building sister vessels to M/T Sedat Basak with stainless steel tanks which will be delivered in 2024 and 2025.

All 3 vessels are of modern ECO design and are approx. 30 pct more fuel efficient than conventional vessels of the same size

In addition, Uni-Tankers has also signed a contract with a Japanese partner for a long-term deal for two 12,500 dwt stainless-steel newbuildings with delivery in 2025 and 2026.

All four above-mentioned newbuildings are being built according to the highest safety and environmental standards and will comply with IMO Tier 3 NOx and Sox emission requirements.



“We are excited to announce this further significant expansion of our stainless-steel fleet and the renewal of our owned fleet,” says CEO Per Ekmann. “With these new vessels, we will be able to provide even greater service to our clients around the world.”

Per Ekmann

CEO, Uni-Tankers A/S